knowledge mapping sci-tech domains

Please note that I am still building this section. It is my hope that in time this section will grow into a set of pages for each project that will allow me to present purpose, hypotheses, outcomes, but also associated thoughts about those project in a way that can go beyond that which is included in published papers or software source code. I have yet to add content for these thoughts and works in the area of knowledge mapping sci-tech domains, such as:

  • Effective Problem and State-of-the-Art mapping in science and technology domains. Integrating methods used in data science, forecasting, and probabilistic decision analysis.

  • Creating living road-maps. A report that delivers a road-map is just a snapshot. Any truly usable road-map has to be a living document, with processes in place to ensure its updates and re-evaluation from the perspective of big-picture objectives (e.g. what was the purpose of the road-map).

  • Objective-oriented planning of projects with truly large scope, or truly long time-lines, or parts with complex interactions.

Please check again to see content appear here about the topics above (as soon as I manage to schedule time for the necessary updates). If you already have questions for me about these topics, please feel free to contact me.